Mimmo & Paulie
Every friendship has a limit
"Domenic Silipo masters the art of the understated... The dialogue is blow-you-away fantastic."
- The Desert Sun: Palm Springs International Short Film Festival
"The film's use of dialogue echoes that of the legendary Ingmar Bergman and American David Mamet.”
- Michael Strzempka, Our Town 50: The Sarasota Film Festival
"Excellent short with well-timed story twists…"
- Eric Campos, Film Threat
“A perfect little movie.”
- David Finkle, TheatreMania.com, The Village Voice
“A first class story, filled with twists, surprises and discoveries. It's amazing how much is packed into 28 minutes. "
- David Pearlstein, Publisher, Show Business Weekly
“A breakthrough short! Domenic Silipo does a masterful job writing and directing a bold and provocative movie that will have audiences talking long after the end credits roll.”
- Tracy Clark, Managing Editor – Screenwriter Magazine
“Thought provoking…
- Jason Guerrasio, Indiewire.com
"An unflinching journey to the limits of tolerance and friendship. Tautly written and directed, and acted with intensity and heart."
- Anne Nelson, Screenwriter, Playwright: THE GUYS
"A compelling New York slice of-life, with nuance performances by Solis and Zayas"
- Jimmy Smits